Monday, January 24, 2011

After Abortion...Silence

I can't help but compare the Sanctity of Human Life Day and the Roe vs Wade Legalization of abortion days (January 23 and January 22 respectively) with the actual abortion process. Everything falls in line with so many similarities.


I'm not a news junky, but I heard very little conversations about this topic in the media this weekend.

There is so much silence surrounding this issue. We have grown weary with the debating of it all and there are more pressing issues at hand.

So the women of choice passed quietly through this weekend. Hardly noticing any twinge of pain themselves. Ignoring everything connected to choice seems to be the answer. Maybe if we ignore the whole thing...maybe, just maybe "it" will go away.

NOT. Pain always has a way of surfacing "somewhere." In our bodies, in our minds, in our souls, in our relationships.

Yes, it was a quiet news weekend. Not much up. And so our culture marches on with denial as our best friend.

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