Tuesday, February 9, 2010

White As Snow

We hear the phrase "white as snow" from time to time. I don't think you can really grasp how white snow is until you see it all around you. We had one of our famous February snowstorms recently here in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. The snow was so beautifully white as the sun shone on it the next day! It was completely necessary to wear sunglasses even making a small drive to the grocery store.

The whiteness, the newness, the crispness...the concepts of being covered with such a pretty blanket of white reminded me of my clients who come to the intensive counseling programs. They are so desperate for a fresh new place to start again in their lives.

They want the old gone and a new blanket of whiter than snow to envelop them. This does happen so many times! It is an awesome experience to be rid of the things that weigh a person down. To be brand new...white as snow...this isn't an impossible goal. The clawmarks of trauma taint us all. It is encouraging to see so many women walk away with a newness of life after taking part in brief intensive therapy.

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